Clinical Supervision and Consultation

I deeply understand the impact that supervision can have in our clinical work, and the importance of engaging in meaningful supervision that feels like a good fit. In reflection of my own experiences with both inadequate and transformative supervision, I’m passionate about providing a holding space for newer clinicians, as well as working on bridging gaps in underserved areas. In this work we can explore both clinical skill building and going deeper into the complexity of the therapeutic relationship and your embodied experiences.

I have found that the most significant work that has happened for myself in supervision was through creating a safe and trusting space to explore countertransference, power differentials, and our own complex emotional experiences. Supervision can also help create sustainability in practice, particularly as a neurodivergent clinician, through addressing boundaries, needs, and capacity. Through this work we will move together to explore what feels supportive, nourishing, and ethical for our clients and ourselves.

I meet all CRPO requirements for providing clinical supervision, and supervision hours with me will be eligible for completing registration requirements with the CRPO.

  • Areas of focus

    I offer supervision for therapists who are looking to deepen their skills in…

    • Working with clients with ADHD in navigating diagnosis, exploring challenges related to executive functioning, and understanding the significance of self-compassion in treatment.

    • Supporting clients living in larger bodies who are looking to work through body image challenges with both internalized fatpobia and the ongoing pressures of diet-culture.

    • Assisting trans, non-binary, and GNC clients navigate emotional, social, and physical elements of transitioning.

    • Working with polyamorous and non-monogamous clients through an affirming and informed approach.

    • Learning the difference between a trauma-informed approach versus incoporating methods of trauma processing.

    • Working with suicide ideation through a trauma informed and harm reduction lens.

    • Better understanding the function of a clients emotional response, tracking empathic engagement in session, and incorporating experiential engagement with emotions.

    • Understanding the basics of the nervous system and incorporating accessible somatic techniques in session.

  • Navigating private practice with ADHD

    I offer specific support for clinicians with ADHD (both diagnosed and undiagnosed) who are struggling with various elements related to private practice. This can include challenges related to organization, scheduling, completing notes, navigating fees and finances, networking, etc.

    I know that it is easy to feel alone in the overwhelm of private practice, but I strongly believe you do not have to continue feeling all consumed by never ending notes, emails, and taxes. We can find better systems that work for you, and ways to navigate creating the practice that will feel more meaningful to you!

    Private practice consultation can be a part of ongoing supervision/consultation, or done through one-off consultations.


$140.00 per 50-min individual session

$160.00 per 50-min dyadic session

I reserve limited sliding scale spots for students and newer clinicians within their first two years of practice.

What is the difference between Supervision And cosultation?

The short answer is that supervision requires an evaluative component whereas consultation does not. During supervision, I will be taking on liability for your clinical work and assessing your clinical skills, understanding of ethics and best practices, and safe and effective use of self. Ongoing supervision is suitable for students, Registered Psychotherapists in the Qualifying Category, and qualified Registered Psychotherapists still collecting supervision hours.

If you are in independent practice and seeking ongoing support around client work, managing private practice, etc., this would be considered consultation. If you are looking to discuss a specific client case but not looking for ongoing support, this would also be considered consultation as supervision is part of an ongoing relationship and assessment.